Studying BSC 3rd Sem Maths Previous Year Questions is Good for your Exam Preparation. They Can Help You To Cover Maximum Syllabus In Minimum Time.
Maths Is A Difficult Subject if You Lack Knowledge About Its Calculations. In This Post We Have Compiled Some important BSC 3rd Sem Maths Previous Year Questions.

These Important Question Mentioned Here Are Extracted From Previous Year Question Papers And They Help You Learn Important Knowledge about Your Syllabus…
BSC 3rd Sem Maths 2023 Questions

- (a) Attempt the following: (i) Prove that the set of rational numbers is not order-complete. (ii) If S and T are subsets of real numbers, then show that: 1. SCT = SET 2. (S UT) = SUU₌ Or (b) Attempt the following: (i) Prove that every bounded sequence with a unique limit is convergent. (ii) Show that a sequence {Sn} where Sn = 1+1+3+…+nine cannot converge.
- (a) Attempt the following: (i) If lim an = l, then prove that (an – an)⁼ˡ. (ii) Show that the sequence {bn} where bn = (2n)² / (2n)² + 1 converges to zero. Or (b) Attempt the following: (i) Prove that a sequence cannot converge to more than one limit. (ii) If the series Eun is a positive term series such that: 1. The series converges if l > 1. 2. The series diverges if l < 1. 3. The test fails if l = 1. Then prove that a > 0.
- (c) Test the convergence of the series n. (d) State the Cauchy’s root test and the D’Alembert’s ratio test.
BSC 3rd Sem Maths 2022 Questions

- If a sequence {an} is defined by an = n/(n+1), prove that {an} is a convergent sequence.
- Explain the concept of a function being continuous at a point and provide an example.
- Solve the system of linear equations using matrix method.
- Prove that the product of the roots of the quadratic equation ax^2 + bx + c = 0 is c/a.
- Define a binary operation on a set. Give examples of binary operations.
- Explain Bayes’ Theorem with a practical example.
- If f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1, find the derivative of f(x).
- Prove De Morgan’s laws for sets.
- Explain, with an example, the concept of conditional probability.
- Solve the equation |x-3| + |2x+1| = 2.
BSC 3rd Sem Maths 2021 Questions

- Prove or disprove that the sum of two even integers is always even.
- Solve the differential equation dy/dx = (x^2)y, given that y(0) = 1.
- Calculate the determinant of a given 3×3 matrix.
- Use the squeeze theorem to prove that the limit as x approaches 0 for (sinx)/x = 1.
- Explain the concept of a vector space in linear algebra, and provide an example.
- Evaluate the integral ∫(x^2)dx from 0 to 1.
- If A and B are sets such that A ⊆ B and B ⊆ A, prove that A = B.
- Use mathematical induction to prove the formula for the sum of the first n natural numbers.
- Given a complex number z, find its modulus and argument.
- Find the probability of drawing a red card from a standard deck of cards.
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We hope that with the help of this article you would have got information about BSC 3rd Sem Maths Previous Year Questions.
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